Mixed grill végétal


Sur le BBQ;

  • poivrons rouge, vert et jaune
  • oignon roue
  • aubergine en tranches
  • asperges
  • courgette en tranches
  • pommes de terre en fines tranches
  • steak de seitan (celui qu'on aime)
  • rondelles de citron

Tout ça nappé d'huile d'olive et saupoudré d'épices Montréal


  1. i haven't had aubergines aka eggplant in a long while, but summer is upon us - so hopefully i will indulge. Lovely plate of roasted veg and Montreal spices.

    1. You will soon have plenty of vegetables to prepare a mixed grill. You garden is so generous! (because of your good care!)

  2. Hi Éphée,
    ...that looks fabulous...and that's such a pretty yellow plate...love that...
    ~Have a lovely day!

    1. I love this plate; it belonged to my (late) sister. I always take a moment to appreciate it and remember my sister when i use it. Even if the drawing is not vegan friendly! But i cover it with vegetables so i guess it's ok?


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