Pain roulé au pesto

2 ingrédients;

  • Pâte à pizza
  • Pesto

Voir la tendre couleur des fleurs de mon romarin, ça m'émeut!
Surtout quand c'est sur fond de neige à l'extérieur!


  1. What a great idea instead of pizza...I'm sure it's the puppy photo...and LOVE your little herb garden too...
    ~Have a lovely day!

    1. Thank you Affectioknit! I look forward to plant all my herbs and spices outside! As you can see.... there is still snow outside ;-(

  2. Looks really delicious and comforting. It would be a great accompaniment to a tomato soup. Adore your herbs potted up in cup and sauce - very cool. Also adoring the doggie paws, just look at those gorgeous eyes.

    1. Oh yes! You are right; i must do that again to go with a tomato soup! I loooooove tomato soup! HaHa; i took the idea of using cups for my herbs in the U.K.! There was this little tea room in Torquay with rosemary in a cup on every table. The doggie says thank you! She is a very old lady and is pleased to be complimented ;-)


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